Friday, December 20, 2013

The thing about facebook

I'm on Facebook, of course — it's pretty much necessary as an author, but I've been advised by those who know this stuff that I really ought to be using my author page most of the time, instead of my personal page.

I've resisted this for a while — I feel more comfortable with a personal page, and I have heaps more "friends" on it than I do on my author page. But I've been eyeing off the "reply" function on some other authors' pages and I have to say I covet it. So much better being able to reply to a comment right underneath it, than doing it twenty comments later.

So now I'm biting the bullet and asking people to move across to my author page. But it's a really weird process.  What do you say?

Option 1: Please like me. Which sounds pathetic and needy.

Option 2 : Please click my "like" button. Which sounds vaguely pornographic.

Oh well, you decide. Pathetic and needy or pornographic -- it's over here.

Thank you.

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